
Dr. Gary Edward Schnittjer

Dr. Gary Edward Schnittjer (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) teaches biblical Hebrew and Old Testament for the School of Divinity at Cairn University. His book Old Testament Use of Old Testament has been named Old Testament book of the year for 2021 by The Center for Biblical Studies at MBTS as well as 2021 Top Book in the category of Old Testament by SWTJ. The book features chapters on every book of the Old Testament as well as a chapter on “Toward the New Testament.” Please take a look at the Christianity Today online article by Carmen Joy Imes about how pastors should use Old Testament Use of Old Testament and she shows them how.

Schnittjer is doing research for writing projects under contract with Baker Academic, B&H Academic, and Zondervan Academic. He is currently researching for a student textbook on Old Testament historical narratives as well as final edits for a second edition of Torah Story to be released soon.

Schnittjer offers a free subscription service of verses from the Hebrew Bible daily at HebrewDaybyDay.com for students and ministers of the word.