Dr. Jill Firth was born in Melbourne and completed some of her school years in Sydney. She graduated with a BA at the University of Western Australia and studied theology at Ridley College, concurrently training as a spiritual director in the Ignatian tradition. She was ordained in the Diocese of Melbourne in 2006. She has lectured at Ridley since 2005, was appointed to Ridley faculty in 2016, and is lecturing in Hebrew and Old Testament.
Jill was awarded her PhD on the topic “The Re-presentation of David in Psalms 140–143” in 2016. She is currently revising her dissertation for publication, and preparing to write a commentary on Jeremiah. She is a convener of the Evangelical Women in Academia conference, and of the Ridley Women’s Writing Groups Network, and is currently editing a volume of essays by Australian Evangelical women scholars, with Denise Cooper-Clarke. Jill is a member of Tyndale Fellowship, ETS, IBR, SBL, and the Logia Advisory Board.