If Christians Read Scripture Like Jews Do, Continued (Ari Lamm)
Rabbi Dr. Ari Lamm returns to continue discussing the fascinating and fruitful ways that Jews approach studying Scripture.
Dr. Ari Lamm’s Orthodox Jewish upbringing taught him to embrace the view of the Hebrew Bible as layered, complex, and challenging—for, the very idea of God suggests that He has complex and layered ideas to communicate with His creation. Dr. Lamm encourages Christians to be similarly comfortable with questioning biblical texts on a deeper level.
Don’t forget to check out Dr. Lamm’s podcast Good Faith Effort.
Listen to Dr. Lamm’s first discussion on TBM podcast.
Show notes:
- 0:00 Determining a biblical perspective on a topic the Bible doesn’t directly address
- 9:00 How the Bible is meant to be studied (if we’re taking it seriously)
- 22:50 Explaining the harmony in heaven and the discord on earth
- 32:31 When Jesus reaffirmed the Jewish tradition of oral Torah
- 37:58 Christian political philosophers who relied on Jewish wisdom
Show notes by Celina Durgin
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