

Old Romanian Bible

American Christians’ Peculiar View of Inerrancy—and Other Oddities (Mike Bird)

Dr. Dru Johnson interviews Dr. Mike Bird about peculiarities of some American theology and the different meanings of biblical inerrancy.

Ancient Israelite Government

Ancient Israelite Government in Modern Republics (Kyle Swan)

In this episode, Dr. Kyle Swan talks with Dru Johnson about the similarities between ancient Israelite government and republican forms of government.

Priest holds up the body of Christ

Don’t Drop the Body of Christ (Janelle Peters)

Can we use Doritos for the body of Christ in communion? Janelle Peters discusses this ritual, head coverings, and Bible literacy.


Why We Should Still Keep the Sabbath (Mark Scarlata)

Dr. Mark Scarlata identifies the two mistakes Christians make about sabbath, and explains why sabbath rest is God’s gift.

Leon Kass

Reading Exodus: When Does a Multitude Become a People? (Leon Kass)

Dr. Leon Kass discusses his recent book, Founding God’s Nation: Reading Exodus. Reading Exodus should start with humility and curiosity.

Wipf and Stock

Listen to This before Writing That Book (Michael Thomson/Wipf and Stock)

Michael Thomson, Acquisitions Editor at Wipf and Stock Publishers, discusses the joys and struggles of the writing and publishing process.

Painting of Isaac and Abraham

But Really, What’s Up with Abraham Almost Sacrificing Isaac? (Aaron Koller on Unbinding Isaac)

The story of God’s command to Abraham to sacrifice Isaac (also known as the Akedah) in Genesis 22 is one…


Repentance as a Group Activity (David Lambert)

Repentance isn’t just about having a contrite heart. In this episode, Dr. David Lambert explores the nature of true repentance in the Bible.

Jen Wilkin

Rethinking ‘Quiet Time’ with Scripture (Jen Wilkin)

Jen Wilkin challenges the practice of “quiet time,” saying that it can actually undermine Bible literacy. She proposes an alternative.
