When I was a college student, I was obsessed with figuring out the God’s will for my life. Along with…
Each year, the Christian world sees two Easter Sundays, each occasionally overlapping with Jewish Passover. But in Israel-Palestine a small…
By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it…
Late Second Temple and New Testament era debates about divorce often focused on the seemingly strange law discussing divorce in…
Abraham Lincoln famously lamented in his Second Inaugural Address that folks in the Confederacy and Union “read the same Bible.”…
‘This feels like when my parents announced they were getting divorced after I graduated high school. I wondered how much…
I wonder if you’ve had the experience of pausing for a moment in your day and finding yourself suddenly overcome…
Imagine you’re teaching Sunday school for, let’s say, first grade. Accompanying the goldfish, juice pouches, and coloring sheets is a…
Paul aspires toward the same type of shame that Christ experienced on the cross. This shame is inextricably connected to humility.