Who Is the ‘Foreigner’ We’re Supposed to Love? (M. Daniel Carroll R.)
The history of humanity is the history of migration. People have always been on the move, in Scripture and in the modern day. Understanding the migrants near us, their experiences, and the languages they speak can equip us to love them better.
M. Daniel Carroll R., author of Global Migration and Christian Faith: Implications for Identity and Mission, explains our biblical obligation to love the foreigner, which includes not only people from a foreign country but also those with different socioeconomic backgrounds or even just very different life experiences.
Show notes:
- 1:07 Immigration in Scripture
- 4:11 Migration = people-moving
- 5:55 Dru’s controversial view
- 7:15 Forced migration
- 12:45 Caring for the foreigner
- 20:46 The new has come
- 34:50 Language of the heart
Q&A: Email us your questions about the intellectual world of the Bible at cht_administrator@tkc.edu, and we’ll answer them in an upcoming Q&A episode.
Show notes by Dominique LaCroix
Image created by Rubner Durais
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