


Eye for an Eye?

5 Things to Consider When Reading Biblical Law, Part III

How does God use law to reason with Israel, and why can’t individuals be ethical all on their own? This is the final part of this series.

Part of the 5 Things to Consider When Reading Biblical Law series

How to Read Law, II

5 Things to Consider When Reading Biblical Law, Part II

Besides the uniqueness of Hebrew law, we must remain aware of our own legal assumptions and the narratized form of biblical law.

Part of the 5 Things to Consider When Reading Biblical Law series

5 Things to Consider When Reading Biblical Law, Part I

How do we know what is legal and what is not today? For example, how do we personally know that…

Part of the 5 Things to Consider When Reading Biblical Law series

Top 10 Most-Read TBM Articles of 2021

The most popular articles in The Biblical Mind addressed hefty topics, including gender in Scripture, laws on rape and slavery,…

Work and Worship

The Psalms Give a Voice to Workers Laboring in a Fallen World

The psalms not only describe, but they also demand a two-way dialogue between work and worship—between the street and the sanctuary.


Matt Chandler Used ‘Deconstruction’ in a Way I Don’t Like—and That’s OK

Debating the meaning of faith “deconstruction” distracts from the substantive issues facing the church.


Jesus Was Probably Born in a Relative’s House, Not an Inn

The Christ child was not born in a stable alone with the animals but in a small house crowded with people—the kinds of people he came to save.