


1 John

Becoming Disciples: Moral Formation as Gift and Task

The gift of discipleship carries with it the task of actively and strenuously seeking to become the disciples God desires.

Part of the Purifying Ourselves: Moral Formation in the Bible series

Purifying Ourselves: Moral Formation in the Bible

“And everyone who has this hope in [Jesus] purifies themselves as [Jesus] is pure” (1 John 3:3). What does it…

Imprecatory Psalms

Answering War, Violence, and Evil with the Imprecatory Psalms

The recent invasion of Ukraine by order of Russia’s president Vladimir Putin has confronted the world with heartbreaking images of…

Discover Your Roots, Podcast Series with Passages Israel

As Christians, the challenges we face today demand that we have a deeper understanding of the Bible in its original…

The Book of Ruth

The Redemption of Naomi in the Book of Ruth

Leon Kass and Hannah MandelbaumReading Ruth: Birth, Redemption, and the Way of Israel Paul Dry Books, 2021. The making of…

A man shouting in anger

How the ‘Angry Psalms’ Fit within the Story of God and His People

The theological coherence and moral intelligibility of the imprecatory psalms is grounded in the story within which they prayerfully participate.

Image depicting biblical repentance

‘And God Saw Their Deeds’: Biblical Repentance in Action (and Less So in Feeling)

The modern tendency toward inwardness makes it more difficult to grasp the substance of biblical repentance, which does insist upon actions.

Part of the Repentance and Reconciliation in Scripture series

Illustration of the burning bush

‘I Am Who I Am’? The Real Meaning of God’s Name in Exodus

The Hebrews, languishing under the whips of their oppressors, did not need to know simply that God exists. They needed to know that he was present with them.

Church unity

What Is the Real Threat to American Church Unity—and What Does Unity Look Like?

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, the Church in America is breaking apart. Or so say an increasing…

Part of the American Religion vs. the Bible series