
Rev. Dr. Matthew Kaemingk

Rev. Dr. Matthew Kaemingk is a Christian ethicist and public theologian. He serves Fuller Seminary as the Richard John Mouw Chair of Faith and Public Life where he also directs the Mouw Institute of Faith and Public Life. Matthew serves as a research fellow at the Center for Public Justice in Washington DC and scholar-in-residence at the De Pree Center for Christian Leadership.

He is the author and editor of several books in public theology including Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration (2018), Work and Worship (with Dr. Cory Willson, 2020), and Reformed Public Theology (2021). Matthew earned his Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary and holds a doctoral degree in Systematic Theology from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and Christian Ethics from Fuller Theological Seminary. In 2011, as a Fulbright Scholar in the Netherlands, Matthew researched the European conflict over Muslim immigration and developed Christian ethical response to the issue.

Matthew is an ordained minister in the Christian Reformed Church. He and his wife Heather live in Houston, TX with their three sons Calvin, Kees, and Caedmon. Together the five of them serve a springer spaniel named Moses.