Whenever a student comes into my office in tears, I know there’s a very good chance that the source of…
Humans engage their intellect and emotions simultaneously. How does that bear on our spiritual formation through the Psalms?
You have probably seen a version of this commercial. The first one I watched shows a man take a bite…
How much of our worship is “biblical”? Is worship in the Bible even a good barometer for evaluating worship practices?
Debating the meaning of faith “deconstruction” distracts from the substantive issues facing the church.
Expressive Individualism is perhaps the reigning secular ideology in the U.S. today. Scripture can help us avoid falling prey to it.
Ecclesiastes delivers a message of joy into our lives in a world storm-tossed by vanities.
The wisdom of Proverbs doesn’t lie in each isolated assertion and observation, but in the complex relations among them.
An interview with psychologist Dr. Kalman Kaplan