2022 for the CHT: A Year in Review
This past year, the Center for Hebraic Thought made strides in its educational output, with a new video course, a book release, a two-season podcast series, new workshops for local churches and organizations, and plenty of regular programming from The Biblical Mind.
Thanks to our faithful audience members, and welcome to those finding us for the first time in 2023. We hope our work draws you deeper into the riches of the Hebraic thought-world and energizes you to discover or rediscover the Bible with curiosity.
Magazine Publication
CHT magazine The Biblical Mind published 31 new articles and 41 new podcast episodes in 2022. These included three new series:
- “Repentance and Reconciliation in Scripture“
- “Purifying Ourselves: Moral Formation in the Bible“
- “Embodying Biblical Rituals in a Digital Age” (ongoing)
‘Discover Your Roots’ Podcast Series with Passages Israel
As Christians, the challenges we face today demand that we have a deeper understanding of the Bible in its original context. When we do, it will change the way we live, think, and act every day. In this podcast, Passages Israel partnered with Dr. Dru Johnson and the CHT to give you tools to better read and apply the Bible and its wisdom in your own life and community.
Events and Workshops
March 2 Dr. Matthew Kaemingk of Fuller Seminary and author of Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear gave a talk to discuss policies concerning Muslim immigration, and whether Scripture can offer guidance. It was co-sponsored by the CHT and the Institute on Democracy and Religion.
July 26 This was a virtual event featuring the editors and authors of the newly released book, The Biblical World of Gender.
Fall/Winter The CHT led five workshops for churches and an advocacy group in NYC to train leaders and congregants on reading the Bible more Hebraically and reasoning alongside the biblical authors.
Logos/Faithlife Video Course on Hebraic Thought
The CHT released a 7-hour video course with Logos/Faithlife that explains how much the West owes the Hebraic tradition for its foundational principles
Though most of us don’t realize it, we all think Hebraically. The Hebraic legal tradition was unique and revolutionary in its time. Today, many of its principles just seem normal—obvious, even. But most civilizations throughout history didn’t believe that all humans are created equal, for example. Equality before the law is a biblical idea. The scientific method is biblical. Restorative justice is biblical.
This new course will explore these Hebraic ideas, radical in their own time but instinctive for us today. You can purchase the course for individual or group use.
New Book
June 14 In partnership with Cascade Books, the CHT published a new essay collection titled The Biblical World of Gender: The Daily Lives of Ancient Women and Men, available on Amazon and the Wipf and Stock website. This collection built upon a series originally published in the CHT magazine, The Biblical Mind, titled “A Gender Study: The Real Lives of Women and Men in the Bible.” Recent discussions of “biblical womanhood and manhood” tend to reflect our current Western concepts of masculinity and femininity, and less so the lived world of the biblical authors. This book fills the gap in this discussion by specifically exploring gender in the Bible and in the daily lives of ancient Hebrews.
Happy New Year!
We’re so grateful for the audience of the CHT and The Biblical Mind. If you think our work is important or helpful in any way, please share us with friends and family, and consider making a financial gift to help keep us running. Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review our podcast. Follow us on Twitter—both the CHT and TBM accounts—on Instagram, and on Facebook so you never miss an article, episode, or announcement.
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