How much of our worship is “biblical”? Is worship in the Bible even a good barometer for evaluating worship practices?
The gift of discipleship carries with it the task of actively and strenuously seeking to become the disciples God desires.
“And everyone who has this hope in [Jesus] purifies themselves as [Jesus] is pure” (1 John 3:3). What does it…
Dr. Gary Edward SchnittjerMarch 9, 2022
How does God use law to reason with Israel, and why can’t individuals be ethical all on their own? This is the final part of this series.
Besides the uniqueness of Hebrew law, we must remain aware of our own legal assumptions and the narratized form of biblical law.
How do we know what is legal and what is not today? For example, how do we personally know that…
The wisdom of Proverbs doesn’t lie in each isolated assertion and observation, but in the complex relations among them.